Thursday, 18 September 2008


This is the first thing that Alice has ever drawn that we can recognise as something. It's me apparently.

Monday, 15 September 2008


If your muse isn't inspiring you like it should, send it away to a day spa, and get it back as good as new.

Japanese Pools

The promise:

The reality:

On the bright side, they make everyone get out of the water for ten minutes every hour, ostensibly to fish out the drowned corpses of crushed children.


I thought they were alright, really.

Misleading Advertising

Policeman don't have a sense of humour, either.

Nice Bek Pictures

This one looks like I own an expensive camera and have some photographic knowledge.

Alice took this one.

Just some pictures

A fish I made in boredom.

Alice tried to feed Elmo some biscuit.

We've taken the dummy away now, and she's been fine.

A huge stone in Tokyo Midtown.

She likes to be 'safe' with her toys and a blanket.

I keep putting off posting because I had some big ones to deal with, like Mt. Fuji, but it made me post nothing at all, so I'm trying to ease myself back in with some light posts.